5 Best Hydroponic Flowers to Grow

Any plant that can be grown in soil can also be grown hydroponically, flowers are no exception. Some flowers can be quite lucrative to produce, such as Saffron, while other are grown strictly for personal satisfaction.

Many of the hydroponic flowers are also culinary and medicinal herbs, and some simply have aesthetic value for their beauty and aroma.

Flowers can be grown for Fun, Food or Profit and hydroponics are an excellent way to get growing.

Hydroponic Flowers

1. Carnations 

Carnations can be grown hydroponically. They are popular flowers, pleasing to the eye, the petals are edible and pleasantly sweet. They can also provide a cash crop.

Carnations come in many assorted colors, annuals, biennials, and perennials. They can be grown from seeds or cuttings.

2. Chrysanthemums 

A picture of Chrysanthemums growing in the garden.

Chrysanthemums have also been grown successfully in hydroponic setups. They are most commonly propagated via cuttings, although seeds are possible as well.

Growing Chrysanthemum differs very little from growing carnations although some of the nutrient requirements differ slightly.

A ph of 6.0 to 6.4, EC 2.0 to 2.5 and PPM of 1400 to 1750.

3. Echinacea 

A picture of red Echinaceas growing.

Aka American Cone Flower not only serves as an attractive flowering plant, but it is also used in an herbal tea with medicinal qualities. The Echinacea roots, leaves, and flowers all used in the blend.

Herbalists claim Echinacea enhances the immune system which in effect reduces symptoms of colds, flu, and many other illnesses.

Echinacea plants average 2 to 4 feet tall on standard varieties and about 16 inches on dwarf varieties. The spread is 1 1/2 to 2 feet on standard and a foot or less on dwarf.

Light 5-6 hours daily bare minimum, they will tolerate lower level with diminished quality.

The optimal pH for a nutrient solution nurturing Echinacea is between 6 and 7. Although they will tolerate wide ranges with varying results in quality and yield.

If your nutrient solution or growing medium is too alkaline or too acidic many of the vital nutrients will be wasted, not absorbed by the plant.

4. Marigolds 

One of the easiest plants to grow hydroponically, they prosper in a hydroponic setup. Starter plugs are the best way to get growing, but other media will suffice.

Although the seed itself naturally contains all the nutrients it will need to start life. Pre-treating the hydroponic media with a 1/4 strength nutrient solution is helpful as the seeds germinate.

Air temperature should be in the ballpark of 60-70 F day cycle and 45-55 F night cycle. Solution temperature should be within a few degrees of 70 F. Marigolds will not tolerate cold.

5. Saffron 

A picture of a saffron flower growing in a garden.

Best known as a spice, but it comes from a flower. It is the Worlds most expensive spice. The only other herbs you can grow, that attain anywhere near Saffron’s price are illegal.

Saffron is harvested from the stigma of the Saffron corm flower. The bulb from which the Saffron is grown is a rounded tuber that produces up to 3 flowers. The Saffron spice itself comes from the stigma of the flower.

Nearly all flowers can be grown hydroponically, with few exceptions most are best started from cuttings. Propagation from cuttings varies from plant to plant, stem cuttings, tip cuttings, hard and softwood cuttings and should be addressed on an individual plant by plant basis.

Starting Hydroponic Flowers From Seed

Mediums such as rock wool, coconut fiber, peat, and oasis cubes or other rapid rooter plugs serve as a seed starting medium, keep in mind that when the seedlings emerge they should be transplanted to a complete hydroponic setup.

Oasis cubes are sterile and lightweight and they have good air to water ratio. Rock-wool is also popular for seed starting. Rock-wool requires more diligence as it is alkaline. Maintaining watering and nutrients with a more acidic pH level rectifies this.

Although the seed itself naturally contains all the nutrients it will need to start life. Pre-treating the hydroponic media with a 1/4 strength nutrient solution is helpful as the seeds germinate.

Do not overwater the seeding medium, moderate amounts of water combined with misting works best. If the medium is too wet, particularly in the case of rock wool the seeds will fail to germinate.

Place your media, be it cubes, pellets, or what have you in a shallow tray, I like to save the clear dome-topped containers from rotisserie chickens and other take out foods for this purpose. Put about 3/4 inch of water [preferable distilled or Reverse Osmosis] in the bottom, leave the lid on, and keep it in a warm dark location till sprouts appear.