How to Identify and Control Harlequin Bugs

A macro photo of an orange Mallotus harlequin mug on a green leaf.

Harlequin Bug Habits and Identification The Harlequin bug is a variety of stink bug and not a true beetle. The adult black, shield-shaped bug is covered with orange, red, and yellow markings. It varies in size, but is generally no more than 3/8 inch. The barrel-shaped egg, laid in clusters on crucifer foliage, is light … Read more

Tarnished Plant Bugs: Identification, Prevention, and Control

Macro image of the tarnished plant bug.

The Tarnished plant bug is a common sap-feeding insect which attacks a wide range of plants. Bean, beet, cauliflower, cabbage, chard, celery, cucumber, potato, turnip, salsify, and dill, apple, peach, pear, blueberries and most other deciduous and small fruits. Strawberries are one of their favorites. It can cause considerable damage to vegetables and fruits by … Read more

How to Identify and Control Cucumber Beetles

Macro image of striped cucumber beetle resting on a green leaf.

There are two primary types and six species of cucumber beetle in North America. Perhaps the most prolific and widespread is the striped cucumber beetle. Measuring about one fifth of an inch in length it is a yellowish green with a yellow thorax and black head it has three black stripes running lengthwise on its … Read more

Natural and DIY Insecticides for Pest Control

Spraying Colorado potato beetle larvae with a natural insecticide.

If you’re a home gardener, then you know that pests can be a real nuisance. Not only do they damage plants, they can also transmit diseases. Luckily, there are lots of natural and DIY ways to get rid of pests without using harmful chemicals. Keep reading for some tips on how to protect your garden from these pesky critters!