Sometime back in the 1860s seed corn was introduced into the USA from Mexico, purporting to be a variety of Corn grown by the ancient Aztecs and Mayans dating back to the time of Christ.
The stalks reach about 6 feet in height and the ears are roughly 8 inches long. It can take as little as 70 days to mature under the best of conditions with premium seed but may take as long as 90 days in some cases.
Although it is touted as drought-tolerant, in order to produce a quality crop above-average moisture is needed.
Don’t drown them just be certain they receive adequate water. Drought will produce unpalatable ears of corn, excessive water can produce root rot and other issues.
The Black or Purple kernels are best used for grinding into flour or cornmeal – for sweet corn it is best used while it still white before it hardens and turns black – purple.
Growing Black Aztec Corn
Corn Should be planted in blocks as opposed to rows and should not be planted near other varieties of Corn [See – Isolating Corn.] as cross-pollination tends to produce poor tasting starchy corn.
Black Aztec Corn can be seeded directly into the soil, or it can also be started indoors and later transplanted. Whichever mode you choose, Plant it in blocks, at least four rows wide, for proper pollination and well-filled ears
Sowing depth Aprox. 1.5 – 2 inches
Germination 8 to 20 days – dependent on seed stock, soil, and climatic conditions
Maturity at 70 – 90 days. dependent on seed stock and soil conditions
Color – White when Young. Purple-Black when Mature
Seed Spacing – 4 to 6 inches apart.
Row spacing – 3 – 4 feet
USDA Hardiness Zones 3- 9
Plant Size 5 – 6 Feet Tall
Ear Size – 7 – 8 Inches Long
Full Sun
Average Yields per Sq. Footage – Anticipate 2 Ears per Stalk.
Corn has shallow roots and uses a lot of nitrogen as well as trace elements. To help your crop get off to the best start possible, prepare the soil first with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Well, rotted manure or compost is also helpful.
Plant in the northern side of the garden as corn stalks will deny sunlight to the rest of your garden crops,you also might want to grow somewhere it will provide shade to plants that can not tolerate full sunlight.