How to Grow Pomegranate Trees Indoors

 Pomegranate Trees

The pomegranate tree can grow up to 30 feet tall outdoors. To keep a standard pomegranate tree indoors requires constant and vigilant pruning. Dwarf pomegranates are a compact variety that is easily grown indoors. They are evergreens and you can expect pomegranate trees to be covered with shiny thick leaves year-round.

In summer, they produce their fruits preceded by orange-red, flowers. The fruits are edible but small with an over abundance of seeds. Dwarf pomegranate fruits are not nearly as sweet as those from the full size cultivars. Some people grow the dwarf varieties purely as indoor ornamentals. They generally won’t bare fruit till they are at least 3 years old, they require hot summers and cool winters to bear abundantly if at all.

If you are starting from seeds or cuttings place them in pot with adequate drainage holes. If you are using cuttings, cover your pomegranate’s roots with about 1/2 inch of potting soil. Leave 2 inches between seeds and/or cuttings. From cuttings – do not cover any of the trunk with soil.

Keep the soil constantly moist until the plants are established. Select the best seedling [s] and discard the weakest ones.

Fertilize every six months with high-nitrogen fertilizer. Add organic compost on top of the soil each spring.

Prune back any unwanted branches when the pomegranate tree reaches about 2 feet tall. Clip unwanted shoots off just above the leaf nodes. Shorten the branches on a regular basis to prevent spindly unnecessary growth. A healthy well pruned tree should have four shoots per branch. Remove any damaged branches, as well as any sucker branches from the lower trunk.

If you get blooms that fail to fruit – they probably need to be pollinated . In an indoor environment there are no insect pollinators, so you’ll need to hand pollinate [See: Indoor Pollination]


Pomegranates require 6-10 hours of sunlight daily to prosper, About 5 to just survive . Grown indoors, a South or west facing window is best .

Supplemental light , such as Grow Lights or fluorescent plant lights will help them produce better, especially if your location is not optimally sunned.


Night time temperatures no lower than 50 degrees F and daytime temperatures around 60 to 70 Farenheit are ideal.


You should be using a light [low clay], well draining soil mixture with an abundance of peat, and perlite or vermiculite. Adding addition perlite or vermiculite to any soil you purchase is advisable. You can also add wood chips, redwood shavings or even hamster bedding and semi-sterile compost [Not from your back yard compost heap] in moderation . Using dirt from your yard is a bad idea.


Water regularly to keep the soil moist, not saturated, just moist. A layer of decorative sterile mulch such as bark or any other organic mulch is advisable to retain soil moisture. Allow the potting soil to slightly dry between watering, not “DRY-OUT” just slightly dry.

I prefer to water modestly 2 – 3 times weekly , test the soil by hand – stick your finger in about a half inch to be certain it is semi dry before adding more water. Over watering is just as deadly as under watering.


Pomegranate  trees are susceptible to spider mites, mealy bugs, whiteflies and Leaf-Footed Plant Bug. The Leaf-Footed Plant Bug is rarely a problem indoors , and only then in regions where the tree is a native.  Check the trunk for mealy bugs and whiteflies. Wipe the foliage periodically with a damp paper towel or sponge. Dust will attracts pests, they hide themselves and their egg clusters in the dust while parasitizing the plant . To treat spider mites, spray your plant with insecticidal soap or horticulturist oil, which will smother the insects. clean the foliage, top and bottom sides of the leaves as well. Neem Oil is effective against Scales and Mealy bugs. Rubbing alcohol applied with a Q-tip will also work in mild infestations.