Moroccan Mint contains elevated levels of natural sugars which when coupled with its minty essential oils works well for brewing a tasty tea as well as mint preserves and confections.
- Perennial
- USDA zones 5 to 11
- Soil pH 6.0 to 7.0
- Partial Shade best or tolerable of Full Sun
- Soil: Well Drained
- Space Seedlings 14 to 18 inches apart
- Mature height: 1.5 to 2 feet
It is exceptionally hardy and will grow in most soil types so long as it is watered well, it is not drought tolerant. It can be grown in standard gardens but many growers prefer to keep it potted to which it is well suited. It also does well in bee and butterfly gardens as it is known to attract these beneficial pollinators.
Tiny Purple, lilac and lavender colored blossoms appear later than some other varieties, in mid to late summer. The plant reaches roughly 1.5 to 2 feet in height with a slightly smaller girth. The crinkled leaves are bright green and a tad pointed.
Although it is a perennial it peaks so far as quality is concerned in 3 to 5 years.
Tradition Moroccan Mint tea which is also called Maghrebi or Tuareg is made by boiling green tea with sugar followed by steeping with fresh mint leaves. It also works well for brewing the leaves solo, although this is not true Moroccan tea it is tasty as well.
Starting mint plants from seed can be bothersome. Germination rates are low and they are sometimes slow to grow. Starting from cuttings or divisions is the most common mode of starting mint. if you have access to any, or starter plants can be purchased.
Morrocan Mint is vigorous in most soils so long as it is well draining. Modest amounts of fertilizer 2 to 3 times per season can’t hurt. Fertilize once in early Spring and then every fifth week thereafter with a balanced fertilizer.
Most mint will spread prolifically if left unchecked. Once established it has a tendency to dominate its area so you’ll need to maintain its spread in order to prevent it from overtaking neighboring plants.
One method of controlling mint plant is using bottomless containers 12 – 15 inches in depth and sunk in the ground with one or two inches protruding above the soil surface. Another is to plant them above ground in containers.
Keep the plants in check by harvesting the tips on a regular basis and removing renegade runners. Small flowers bloom from June to September, you should trim these before the buds open to keep the plant compact and manageable.
A layer of mulch in the Autumn will help protect them in their winter dormancy.