Candidates as Indoor Fruit Trees
Over the last few decades, plants have been bred that can be successfully grown indoors, in containers, using up minimal space. Just about any fruit, berry and some veggies are now available as an indoor variety. They include:
Bananas have a lush foliage that will lend a tropical atmosphere to your home in any season. Growing bananas indoors is not difficult and with many of the miniature cultivars do not consume a tremendous amount of space.
The keys to successfully grow lemons indoors are basically the same as with all citrus ,good light, adequate temperature and humidity , well-drained potting soil, proper nutrients, and consistent moisture.
Dwarf Lime Trees are relatively easy to grow. They generally only reach 2 – 3 feet in height and produce normal full size, green limes. in addition to being aesthetically appealing and pleasantly fragrant in an indoor setting, lime trees can provide years of tasty fruit.
Orange Trees are relatively easy to grow indoors. If you choose a standard non-dwarf variety , or grow one from seed – it could be years before you see any fruit. Specific dwarf varieties, such as Mandarin [not a true orange] ,calamondin and trovita , do well when grown inside as long as you maintain the basic temperature, soil, and light conditions.
Tangerines are one of several types of mandarins. The name tangerine is not frequently used outside of North America. Portuguese mariners returning from Southeast Asia are credited with introducing mandarins through Tangiers, Morocco, hence they became known as Tangierines or tangerines.
Pomegranate, Papaya, Figs are some of the other fruit trees that can be successfully grown indoors
Dwarf fruit trees, in addition to be aesthetically appealing and pleasantly fragrant in an indoor setting can provide years of tasty fruit. Most Dwarf fruit trees are the result of grafting a fruiting variety of tree onto dwarf rootstock, . Sour citrus such as lemons and limes are the most common.
Planting / Re-Potting
Once you’ve received your rootstock or plant as the case may be, you should transplant it to a suitable container , one which allows space for the plant to grow and mature. Any container / pot you use should have drainage holes in its base for excess moisture, as well as a water catcher at its base.
Use light and airy potting soil for most fruit trees, a light [low clay], well draining soil mixture with an abundance of peat, and perlite or vermiculite. Adding additional perlite or vermiculite to any soil you purchase is advisable. Never use soil from outdoors. Add soil up to the line on the tree stem where discoloration from the soil it was in at the nursery stops. Be certain to leave enough head space at the top of your planter to water thoroughly without washing dirt out.
Basic Requirements of Fruit Trees
Most indoor fruit trees are basically low maintenance, and adapt well to various environments. A key factor is giving them enough sunlight. Most tropical and semi-tropical trees and plants require 8 – 12 hours a day of sunlight to thrive, and 5-6 hours just to survive. A location with filtered or limited light should be avoided. A southern or western exposure is generally best, or supply suitable artificial light. See: Indoor Grow Lights
Most indoor environments tend to be airtight, the air becomes quite stagnant. When feasible, in proper climates move the plants outdoors periodically
If this is not feasible, open a window in warm weather to improve air circulation for yourself and your plants.
Water and Humidity
Water your tree at regular intervals, but make certain you allow it to dry between watering. When the soil is dry for several inches below surface it’s time to water. Over watering can lead to various disease issues. If the leaves start to yellow, you are over watering or the plant is not draining properly. You may also want to consider .
Citrus trees in particular tend to drop their leaves if the humidity is too low . Ideal humidity should be at 45 – 50%. There are many methods to increase indoor humidity, but you want to avoid encouraging conditions for mold and mildew.
You could use a humidifier, if absolutely necessary, or you could also increase humidity levels with a . The trays under potted plants and Bonsai that catch the runoff water will suffice. Fill a tray with pebbles and leave the runoff water there. As the water evaporates, it increases the humidity level.
Soil in plastic, ceramic and metallic containers stays wet longer than it does in wooden or clay containers, which allow water to evaporate through the sides. Cool weather slows plant growth thus reducing the need for moisture, – watering should be less frequent during cool weather.
Fertilize monthly – zinc, iron, and manganese are the key ingredients for indoor Citrus trees. Most quality multipurpose fertilizers contain these ingredients. There are also specifically formulated fertilizers . Excessive fertilizer can result in overgrowth of foliage at the expense of the fruit and possible dieback due to salt accumulation. For other indoor fruits follow the label directions. See: Understanding Fertilizer Labels.
You can prune your indoor citrus trees when need be. Remove any crossed branches and branches that are growing too low Also remove any branches that are growing below the graft union.
Many trees, particularly citrus trees will produce an abundance of blossoms, many of which will never produce fruit. To increase the amount of fruit-bearing blossoms on your tree you will need to hand pollinate. Unless your plant is self pollinating, as some are, the flowers need to be pollinated periodically by very gently moving a swab or small dry brush in a circular motion deep inside the flower, then brushing the stigma, which is made up of long fragile slender looking tubes just inside the flowers tip . See Indoor Pollination
Requirements will naturally vary slightly from plant to plant. Be certain to check out the individual planting guides for various cultivars, as well as planting instructions that may have come with the plant or root stock.
9 Delicious Fruits to Grow Indoors – Readers Digest
Indoor Fruit Plants – Martha Stewart