Planting and Growing Great Northern White Beans

Great Northern beans in a wooden bowl.

Great Northern White beans are an American heirloom hailing from the Dakotas. The plants will generally reach 2 feet tall, producing pods containing up to 6 seeds each. The beans by themselves are close to tasteless but will absorb the flavors of what they are cooked with and add bulk and texture to many dishes. … Read more

How to Grow Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)

Garbanzo bean pods ripening on the bush.

Chickpea or garbanzo beans are a cool-season annual plant that requires about 90 – 100 days of warm weather to mature to harvest. They can be directly seeded outdoors immediately following the average last spring frost date. You can also start them indoors in peat pots a few weeks prior to transplanting outdoors. They frequently … Read more

How to Plant and Grow Fava Beans (Broad Beans)

Freshly harvested fava beans being shelled with the beans in a wooden bowl and empty husks sitting beside it.

Fava beans, more commonly called broad beans are actually ‘legumes’, they grow best in temperatures ranging from 60 to 70 degrees F, they are a are a cool-season crop. Some varieties will grow in temperatures as low as 40 degrees F , however most broad beans will not set pods in hot weather. Broad beans … Read more

Black Beans Plant and Grow

Black beans, also known as black turtle beans, have deep black seeds and require about 80 – 90 warm, frost-free days to properly mature. Dried, they are popular in soups and stews, they are also served by themselves or in salads such as 3-bean salad. Black beans come in bush and pole varieties. Bush varieties … Read more

Lima Beans How to Plant and Grow

Planting They can be direct seeded about 1 to 1 1/2 inches deep 3 to 4 weeks after the average last spring frost date, soil temperature should be at least 65 degrees F to ensure germination. Space seeds 2 to 4 inches apart and space rows about 2 feet apart. Covering lima bean seeds with a … Read more

Beans ~ Planting Guide

Beans, Beans the incredible fruit, the more you eat the more you toot , the more you you toot the better you feel so plant some beans for every meal.  Actually beans aren’t a fruit, but you already knew that. Beans [and peas] are an easily grown annual vegetable and a very popular and versatile … Read more

How to Plant and Grow Scarlet Runner Beans

Freshly harvested scarlet runner beans with their green pods.

Scarlet Runner beans, a new world native, are prized not only for their ornamental aesthetic value, but as a harvestable edible food crop. The seeds are lavender to black, they grow rapidly climbing trellises, arbors and fences and produce beautiful red – orange blossoms as they go. The pods, flowers and beans are all edible. … Read more

How to Identify and Control Mexican Bean Beetles

Macro image of a Mexican bean beetle crawling on a leaf.

About the Bean Beetle Both the adults and larvae of this species will cause major crop damage to beans. They feed on both the leaves and bean pods . In heavy infestations, the tissue between the leaf veins may be completely skeletonized. Adult bean beetles are pale yellow to copper colored with 16 black spots … Read more

Adzuki Beans: Planting and Growing Guide

Top down view of a white bowl full of red adzuki beans.

What are Adzuki Beans? Adzuki also is known as aduki or Chinese Red Bean, the adzuki bean hails from Asia and is a Japanese favorite. It can be dried, or eaten fresh. It is most frequently used as a bean sprout. The pod is similar to a snap bean. The small roundish beans have a … Read more