How to Prevent and Control Root Maggot Infestations

Onion damaged by onion fly root maggots.

Root Maggots are the larva of the root maggot fly, of which there many varieties. There are several kinds with different preferred host plants. The eggs of these root eating insects are laid in the soil and hatch into the larva commonly known as maggots. The maggots will come to the surface to pupate , … Read more

Leaf Miner Identification and Control

Leaf miner tunnels in tomato leaves.

Leaf Miners are any insect that lays its eggs in the spongy layer between the upper and lower surfaces of leaves. The vast majority of leaf-mining insects are moths and flies, some beetles and wasps also exhibit this behavior. A few mining insects utilize other parts of a plant, such as the surface of a … Read more

Leafhopper Identification and Control

Macro of a caucasian green leafhopper sitting on a green leaf of a plant.

Leafhoppers are one of the largest families of plant-feeding insects. There are more species of this pest, than all species of birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians combined. Leafhoppers feed by sucking the sap of vascular plants, and are found almost anywhere such plants occur. Many leafhopper species are important agricultural pests. many have their particular … Read more

How to Control Grasshopper Infestations

Grasshopper resting on a green leaf.

Grasshoppers have been a crop pest since the beginning of time, they are even mentioned in the Bible as the Plague of Locusts. “Stretch out your hand over Egypt so that locusts will swarm over the land and devour everything growing in the fields, everything left by the hail …. By morning the wind had brought … Read more

How to Identify and Control Green Fruitworms

A green fruitworm crawls out of a damaged tomato fruit.

Named “Green” Fruitworms, not only because they are green, but because they primarily feed on Green or immature Fruit. Small larvae feed on young foliage initially, buds first and then later they devour blooms, and finally on the fruit when it becomes available. They cause deep, sunken pits in the fruit. Most of the fruit … Read more

Cranberry Fruitworm Identification and Control

Macro image of a cranberry fruitworm emerging from a blueberry fruit.

Cranberry fruitworms are a serious pest of blueberries, cranberries, and cherries . Infested berries may be harvested without detection, resulting in worms being found in packaged berries, not a pleasant sight when you’ve already eaten a few – good protein though. The adults are small brownish nocturnal moths that emerge in early spring and lay their … Read more

Identification and Control of Cutworms

Close up of a common cutworm on a leaf.

Cutworms are larvae of of a large family of dull-colored, night-flying moths of several different species. They are often visible around lights in spring. They come in various colors, but are generally a dull gray and well camouflaged within the soil. They are soft-bodied, hairless caterpillars that curl up when touched. Fully grown, they are … Read more

Identification and Control of Flies in the Garden

Adult Flies themselves are rarely a major nuisance in vegetable and flower gardens. The larvae are the problems, maggots and leaf miners. The immature stages of flies that feed on roots, foliage, flowers, fruits and vegetables. Carrot Rust Fly Females lay their eggs at the crown of host plants. When the eggs hatch, larvae burrow … Read more

Identify and Control Leek Moths and Onion Leaf Miners

Adult leek moth (Acrolepia assectella) sits on an allium stem.

The leek moth (Acrolepiopsis assectella) also known as the onion leafminer, is a pest of several species of Alliums, The distribution of the pest includes Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America, it was first discovered in North America relatively recently, in 1993, in Canada. In Europe, generations are limited to 1-2 per year. The leek … Read more

Bird Deterrents Keeping: Birds away from your Gardens

Keeping Birds out of your Garden I like birds, they’re one of gods more picturesque creatures. Colorful cardinals, Musical Robins, Comical Crows. They keep the insect population in control, and lend a pleasant musical backdrop to spring and summer days. Birds quickly devour just about any insect pests in your garden, unfortunately they will also … Read more