Learn About Aphid Identification and Control

Orange aphids crawling on a plant stem.

Aphids are yellowish-pink to pale green plant lice that suck… plant juices that is. They are a soft-bodied, oval/pear shaped insects and are commonly found on nearly all varieties of plants, vegetables, field crops, and fruit trees. They range in size from 1/50 to 1/4 inch, Some are winged, some are not. Early detection is … Read more

Wireworm Prevention, Identification, and Control

Macro image of a wireworm against a background of black soil.

Wireworms are the slender, yellowish-brown, hard-bodied larvae of several species of click beetles. There are many species of wireworm , various species attack beans, carrots, beets, celery, lettuce, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, and mustard . These worms reek their havoc by puncturing and tunneling stems, roots and tubers. Carrots are a particular favorite. – Insect … Read more

How to Identify and Control Raspberry Fruit Worms

Larva of the raspberry beetle (Byturus spp.) on damaged raspberry fruit.

Raspberry fruit worms are the larvae of one of several species of tiny beetles, known as raspberry beetles. The beetles are all similar in appearance and all members of the Byturus genus and include the species B. unicolor, B. Bakeri, and B. tomentosus. All species of the fruit worm adult grow up to 1/8 inch … Read more

Spider Mite Identification and Control

Macro image of a small, white spider mite on a dying leaf.

There are several species of mites that attack plants. Often known as spider mites, red spiders, red mites, or spinning mites. Mites are barely visible to the naked eye. Controlling mites is essential for a successful garden. Mites attack a wide variety of garden and house plants, damaging plants by sucking sap from the foliage. … Read more

Scale Insects Identification and Control

Scale Insects feed on plant juices, eventually killing the plant, they also excrete liquid waste called “honeydew.” Honeydew is not only unsightly, it gets on foliage and prevents photosynthesis, contributing to the plants early demise.  Adult females appear as hard or soft bumps on stems, foliage and fruit. Adult males are minute flying insects. The … Read more

How to Control Snails and Slugs in the Garden

Two slugs feasting on radish tops in the garden.

Snails and slugs have been a nuisance for Gardeners since humans first abandoned the hunter gatherer stage and began farming. Many methods have been used at various times and places to control snails and slugs, some methods work, some don’t. Feeding Habits and Lifecycle They like to feed on young seedlings and succulent parts of … Read more

How to Use Ladybugs as Pest Control

Ladybug sitting on a green leaf.

How Are Ladybugs Beneficial? The ladybug, also known as the Asian lady beetle, lady beetle, or ladybird beetle, is an extremely productive and beneficial tool for both home gardeners and commercial farms and greenhouses. Both larvae and adult are voracious predators, eating aphids and other insect pests. They feed on the eggs and larvae of … Read more

June Bug Identification and Control

June bugs, a/k/a June beetle or May beetle, in addition to being a petty annoyance floating in our pools, and smacking into our windows can also cause some serious damage to edible and ornamental landscape plants. They are a type of scarab beetles and are cousins to the Japanese Beetle and about a hundred other … Read more